Summer Author Promo Blitz: Interview with Janet Lee Carey author of Dragonswood + Giveaway

SummerAPBsmallbutton1.  Can you tell us something about you and your book Dragonswood?
I grew up in the California redwoods near San Francisco. The woods were so magical, I often imagined running into fairies or dragons on my moonlight walks. I think that enchanted forest made me the fantasy writer I am today. I’ve written eight books for children and young adults. I love crafting novels and wouldn’t trade it for the world.
The first idea for Dragonswood (Book Two of the Wilde Island Chronicles) came when I studied the witch trials in medieval Europe. Women accused of witchcraft were forced to name names under torture. How would it feel to give up a friend’s name and see her dragged in, condemned and burned? I love my friends so, of course, the idea appalled me. I instantly knew I had the beginning of a story here – one of friendship and betrayal. The novel tests Tess’s loyalty to her friends, her family, to her first love, and ultimately to herself.

2.  When have you decided that you want to be a writer?

Those walks in the woods helped, but reading books I loved made me what to pull out a pen and start writing my own novels.

3.  Where do you find your inspiration for your novels? (If it’s not a secret) Have you ever found it in your real life?

Sometimes I hear a song and feel like the nugget of a whole novel is hiding there. Music definitely inspires me. I’m also inspired by sounds of birds and animals. There are wild wolf packs in Dragonswood. I listened to recordings of howling wolves a few times while writing the novel to get into the mood.

4.  Do any of your fictional characters resemble you?

They are all their own people with their own tastes, experiences and backgrounds. That said, all of the characters come from somewhere inside me. It’s my job to identify with each of them in some way. The witch hunter in Dragonswood wants to take revenge on the witches who attacked her and put out her eye when she was a girl– it’s one of reasons she goes on her bloody witch hunts. Would I go that far to take revenge? No. Do I understand the desire to take revenge? You bet. Luckily the pen is mightier than the sword so we writers have other ways of getting even.

Do I resemble Tess? She’s much braver than I am. I’m glad to say I wasn’t abused as a child or forced to give up my friends’ names under torture, but, like Tess, I did run off and seek solace in the forest when I was young. Tess likes to climb the trees in Dragonswood. In my teens I climbed the redwoods after dark and sat in the branches during a rainstorm. I called it “riding the storm.” I still try to climb a tree every year on my birthday, which is in January (a perfectly stormy month!).

5.  Which book is the first one that you’ve read?

The first book I remember reading and loving was called Twig, by Elizabeth Orton Jones, a book about a little girl who met a fairy living under a tin can in her back yard.

6.  Do you have a favorite book?

I love so many. I reread my favorites like Ursula K. Le Guin’s Earthsea series, and Juliet Marillier’s Daughter of the Forest. When I love an author’s writing style, her characters and her well-drawn world, I like to get back inside the book to experience the adventure again.

7. If you were about to leave in a trip which book would you take with you?

I just went on a trip and took too many books! I always do. If I had to leave to go somewhere today I’d take The Scorpio Races by Maggie Stiefvater.

8. Tell us one thing you’d like to change at people from nowadays.

I’d like to see us taking better care of the earth. Readers can check out the “giving back” page on my website to see the Dragonswood charity link to help save endangered animals.

9. Is there a moment in your life you’d like to live again?
The day I married my husband, Tom.

10. Do you have a message for Romanian readers? Why would you recommend your book?
Hello to Romanian readers. It’s good to meet here on the blog. I’m grateful to book blogs like this one that give us all a chance to connect. I’ve read about Romania’s natural beauty and seen photos of some exquisite castles. I’d love to visit Corvinesti Castle someday.

Why recommend my book? I’ll let some lines from two of my starred reviews speak to that.

~“A fairy tale for those who have given up on believing in them, but still yearn for happily ever after.”

–Kirkus *starred* review

~ “Perfectly crafted combination of history, mythology, and fantasy. . . The political intrigue, mythology of Merlin, and romances that bloom . . . . will have readers racing toward the end and then going back to savor the events more slowly.”
–School Library Journal *starred* review


Author Bio: 
165105Janet Lee Carey is the award-winning author of eight Children’s and YA novels. School Library Journal’s starred review says, “Verdict: This is quite simply fantasy at its best–original, beautiful, amazing, and deeply moving.”  Janet links each new book with a charitable organization empowering readers to make a difference in the world.  She tours in US and abroad presenting at schools, children’s book festivals, and conferences.
~ The book trailer
Dragonswood Description:
I see visions in the fire sometimes, images of the past or what is yet to come. The fire-sight does not lie. But I did not see the witch hunter who would ride in to scour our town of sin, so I did not know to run.
Wilde Island is in an uproar over the recent death of its king. The uneasy pact between dragons, fairies, and humans is fraying and the royal witch hunter begins a vengeful quest to hunt down girls with fire in their hearts and sparks in their soul.
Strong-willed Tess, a blacksmith’s daughter from a tiny hamlet near the mysterious Dragonswood, wants more for herself than a husband and a house to keep. But in times like these wanting more can be dangerous.
 Accused of witchery, Tess and her two friends are forced to flee the violent witch hunter. The journey is bleaker than they ever imagined and they have no choice but to accept when an enigmatic huntsman offers them shelter in the dangerous Dragonswood. Staying with him poses risks of its own: Tess has no idea how to handle the attraction she feels for him—or the elusive call she hears from the heart of the Dragonswood.
Author Links:



You can win a signed copy of Dragonswood and some swags. To win please leave a comment below with your name, city and the answer to the question: Why do you want to win this book? You can enter the giveaway until 20 july. Good Luck!

18 responses

  1. Consider că autoarea aceasta este absolut genială , studiază epoca medievală, este una din epocile mele favorite din intreaga istorie, da iubesc istoria , imi place acest interviu si ceea ce imi doresc este sa am ocazia sa citesc si eu candva cartea acesta

    iulie 4, 2013 la 1:14 pm

    • Si eu apreciez ca s-a legat de aceasta epoca 🙂

      iulie 10, 2013 la 10:42 am

  2. BabyRalukutza

    Cismaru Denise, Bucuresti
    Because i really love to read and this book looks very interesting!

    iulie 4, 2013 la 1:14 pm

  3. Cartea arata foarte bine si subiectul este foarte interesant.Succes celor care se inscriu la concurs!

    iulie 4, 2013 la 1:36 pm

  4. Krsz

    Paula Botezatu
    Oh, I really want to read this book. It has such a besautiful cover and I’ve heard good things about it. It’s quite a magical book 😉

    iulie 4, 2013 la 3:00 pm

  5. dya_dyana

    Diana Ciangau, Tg. Trotus
    As vrea sa citesc aceasta carte pentru ca pare destul de interesanta.

    iulie 4, 2013 la 6:10 pm

  6. Pare o carte foarte interesantă şi chiar m-aş bucura mult să o citesc. Îmi place şi coperta foarte mult.
    Mănică Mihaela, Bucureşti.
    Mulţumim pentru această şansă.

    iulie 4, 2013 la 8:10 pm

  7. Felicitări! Blogul tău a fost nominalizat pentru ” A Bouquet Of Three Awards”, premiu simbolic pentru activitatea în blogosferă. Pentru detalii intră aici:

    iulie 4, 2013 la 8:16 pm

  8. Pingback: Nominalizare – A Bouquet Of Three Awards |

  9. Buna! Ai o nominalizare de la mine la „A bouquet of three awards”

    iulie 6, 2013 la 10:04 am

  10. Antonia Gherasim, Titu
    I’d like to win this books because I love the cover, I think it’s awesome and I’d love to have it in my library 🙂 Nice interview and thank you for the giveaway 🙂

    iulie 6, 2013 la 6:22 pm

  11. Cirstea Cristina
    I want this book because it draws a topic I am passionate about the Middle Ages, I think the first thing that attracted me to it, then the cover which is a nice way of raising human Suletea. Yes I really like. Interview is brilliant.

    iulie 8, 2013 la 4:43 am

  12. Dragut interviu 🙂 Foarte dragut, dar inca nu ma inscriu la concurs 🙂

    iulie 9, 2013 la 11:55 am

  13. bn100

    Because the blurb sounds interesting

    L, US
    bn100candg at hotmail dot com

    iulie 10, 2013 la 3:59 am

  14. Barbu Malina
    Intorsura Buzaului
    I want to win this book because I like so much. I like the cover, I think the author have a harmonious ideea, that include characters contuored very good. The character -Tess -are incredible; she have will, couraje and faith in good things who can help him. I like the ideea as the dragon and fairies have a pact. Brilliant!
    I like,also, to read it because I am a relly fan of books with dragons. I’d like so much to win 🙂 I want’it in my own library.
    Thanks for competition and good luck for all 😀

    iulie 10, 2013 la 10:40 am

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